2017 has been AMAZING. If there's anything, I think 2017 was "my year". God has been so gracious and all-encompassing my heart overflows.
Freedom. The past year has been a year of "firsts". First time to do the laundry, cook for myself, budget, wake up for work... To sum it all up, it was my first time to live alone and away from the comforts of home. I've always thought I wouldn't survive being on my own but I did. Honestly, I'm kind of enjoying it! No more curfews and no need to ask permission if I want to go somewhere. Yes, I love my freedom. Through it all, I've met the most wonderful people who I consider as my family here. Thank you Team Bahay. You have been the most amazing housemates Kris, Kat, Eunice and Renz.
Work. I went back to my first love, NICU. It has not been an easy road since I joined the team. I've had my fair share of bumps and heartbreaks but sabi nga nila "Nothing worth having comes easy" Along the way, I've met a couple of real friends and made genuine connections with some of the NICU sisters.
It was also the year I was given the opportunity to step into my first London University. I felt like a student again. (Well, I actually was! But never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd "studying" again and here in London at that?!) As of this writing, I've finished my Module 1: Neonatal Course but still waiting for my grade. *cross my fingers* Please pray that I pass.
Travel. It has been my lifelong dream to see the world. 2017 kick started my 'explorations'. I've seen a couple of places in England (Stonehenge!!), Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium and Denmark and it has been an awesome and surreal experience. I hope to see more of the world and experience life in the eyes of the vast culture the world possess.
Family. Last October, I got to travel SOLO on my way back to the loves of my life. I was so scared na mawala during the layover, but I didn't naman. The warmth and the love of family waiting for me at the airport arrivals made the 18 hours of flying ALL WORTH IT. The 3 weeks I spent in the Philippines was not enough and leaving was a heart break. And so, I left home with a heavy heart, but with my dreams all packed (again) in my suitcase. It will never be easy leaving home but the world awaits!
2017, thank you for the wonderful experiences and the people I've met. You have been incredible.
Hello 2018. Please be just as amazing or yet be out of this world more wonderful!