Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Catching up with my bebs

I met up with Joyce, Jaea and Taters last Saturday! I was so happy to see them coz its been a LONG time since we've talked and caught up with each other's lives!
{L to R: Me, Joyce, Jaea, Tata }

 We've been classmates since first year college, and technically they're my "first" friends in college. We survived the shuffling of sections and remained classmates till fourth year college. I guess they're the ones who keep me grounded, since we've known each other for a long time! Joyce is now a peds nurse at MMC, Jaea's taking up Hospital Administration in UP, and Tata's still figuring out where she wants to work. Gosh, how fast time flies! Next thing we know, we'll be talking about weddings and babies! :)) Lol. I missed them A LOT!!
                                                                                  {L to R:  Joyce, Jaea, Me, Tata }

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